One Month Trial £49

One Month Trial £49 ⋆

Making Technology Available to All
Irrespective of Ability

Our range of products and services are thoughtfully designed to provide simple, safe, and connected technology that caters to personal needs and capabilities.
We understand the importance of tailored solutions that support individuals on their unique journey towards independence.

One-touch video calling with Automatic Closed Captioning

Introducing the Konnekt Videophone, the world's simplest phone, meticulously designed to cater to the unique needs of the elderly and individuals with disabilities, dementia or hearing loss.

It has been proven to enhance cognitive ability and reduce depression risk, according to recent studies on social isolation. Experience exceptional caregiving and stay connected with your loved ones through an intuitive and reliable Videophone.

Talk face-to-face with family, friends and colleagues

  • Captions start automatically (no buttons, no operators) thanks to Skype under the hood

  • Read lips and facial expressions; use sign language or flash cards

  • Face-to-face calls shown* to help prevent social isolation and depression

  • Incredibly easy to use, with options for dexterity, vision, cognitive and mobility.


Try a Konnekt Screen for 30 days to help you decide if it is right for you and your loved ones.
During the trial, you’ll have the opportunity to try a fully featured Konnekt Screen so you and your family and friends can connect with the touch of a button.

To get started, or to find out more, fill out the form and we’ll get in touch to answer any questions.

“Amazingly simple to install and use.
Grandma has shaky hands and has found using her iPad to communicate with friends and family more difficult.
Konnekt has solved that.

Now Friends and family from the UK, USA and Europe can call her.

It’s so easy and cost-effective too. ”

-Geoff, Warwickshire